Saturday, June 28, 2008

tears on my keyboard

horrible black news ripped me from sleep.

got a call from a friend at a comic book show. i couldn't afford to be there. can't be there to grieve with everyone. can't be there to share the shock with friends he touched. only have the internet to share with. can't cry on the internet's shoulder. it can't feel the waves of pain and sorrow spreading from person to person until all of us tell it, that a celebrity is dead.

but he was a real person to me.

tears on my keyboard are shallow. i know tears are falling all over the colleagues in a far away city right now. where i'm at is sleeping, although the east coast is never fully asleep. the west coast is weeping in middle america. the west coast is collectively moved. the east coast will catch up, and then the fans in other counties. then the small town fanboys and fangirls. and then future boys and girls will discover that he is already gone after falling in love with his art.

i couldn't believe it at first and now i can't stop crying. first Mike W. now Mike T. and a few more i never knew in between.


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