Thursday, August 30, 2007

Get your dose of cuteness at Baltimore Comic-Con

Here is a sneak peek at some of the designs for my buttons I will be selling at the Baltimore Comic-Con. There is also a really great design not on the slide, a convention exclusive variant, but I can't preview it yet. Maybe after the show.

I'm excited to have created my own buttons and hopefully people will enjoy them. They will be at booth 79, along with Rob Reilly and John Brogilia. Come check out Reilly's books, prints, sketches, original artwork and a raffle. Reilly is also debuting a convention exclusive sketchbook, the "Lone Wolf Drink 'n Draw" filled with drawings done on many of his pub outings. Click on his name for a link to his site to see more info.

So swing buy and help me out, buy a button or two for your girlfriend or whatever you call her, and check out the eye-catching illustrations and sometimes racy sophmoric humor comic stylings of Rob Reilly.


thomas said...

So I think my better half would love these but Baltimore is way over there and I'm way over here. Is there any other way to get my grubby little hands on them?

FanBabe said...

sure let me know how to contact you.

thomas said...

My email is sayitbackwards at gmail dot com.

Anonymous said...

Hi I have visited your blog.
be very interesting! you come to see my sketches....
a dear regard

Michael Reilly said...

Nice buttons. Do you have any dedicated to the blue streaks? Or Joe Carise? (c:

FanBabe said...


who's joe carise? - fanbabe

Michael Reilly said...

Spelling his name correctly might help. It’s Karaisz. Remember? A little strange, dressed up like Barney on the weekends, taught high school Physics.

FanBabe said...

yeah i remember now. no i don't have any for the blue streaks but i can probably make some for the reunion.

Michael Reilly said...

Our class didn't have a reunion last year. E-mail me so we can catch up motorcycleracer321 at gmail

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